Returns and Exchanges Policy
You can return your order, or any part of your order, and receive a full refund if you are not satisfied. You must provide a reason why you should receive a refund for the item. You can't return the product for no reason. You have selected this item and ordered this item and made the choice to choose that particular item. If you then return the item you have chosen out of all our products and do not provide a reason why you should not now have the item, we cannot give a full refund for the item.
You must register your return within 14 days of receiving your order and send the goods back to the retailer in accordance with their instructions without undue delay, and in any case no later than 14 days from the time you registered your return.
Customers are responsible for additional costs for Shipping upon return.
If you ordered products from different retailers, you must follow each individual retailer's instructions for returns.
Please note that the following items cannot be returned:
Goods that are clearly tailored to a person or made to your specifications.
Goods that deteriorate rapidly, e.g. fresh fruit and flowers.
Items that are not suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons if opened, e.g. make-up, lingerie, piercing jewellery.
Audio or video recordings or computer programs, if opened.
Newspapers, magazines and magazines.
more information
Returned goods must be sealable.
Items returned must not have been used, and they must retain the original labels and packaging.
The goods must be packaged in such a way that neither the product nor the branded packaging (if applicable) is damaged during transport. Citall and our dealers do not accept responsibility for goods that are damaged during transport.You are responsible for return costs unless an item has been delivered with defects or damages.
If you return all items from a particular retailer, we will refund your original delivery costs. Please note that if you upgraded to express delivery, we will only refund the costs of standard delivery.
If you've purchased from multiple retailers, send the items to each retailer separately. We strongly recommend that you use a trackable postal service (with insurance for the value of the goods if possible), and that you retain proof of postage. Citall and our retailers do not accept responsibility for goods lost in transit.
If a returned item is being shipped internationally, please mark it with "RETURNED GOODS" to avoid the retailer incurring customs charges upon receipt of your return.
If an order is returned and does not meet these conditions, your return may be denied and sent back to you, or a reduced refund may be offered.
Damaged or defective goods
If your order is delivered with damage, or if you have a problem with an item you have purchased, please send an enquiry to the retailer as soon as possible by.
Please note: Most retailers will request a picture or video showing the damage, defect or faulty item in order to offer a solution. The most common solutions for resolving problems with damaged or defective goods are:
The retailer may offer a replacement.
The retailer may offer a discount to keep the items with minor damage.
If a retailer is unable to replace the item, and if you do not want to accept a discount, you can cancel the order and return the goods for a full refund.
The customer must provide a correct address and information. We are not responsible for refunds or responsible for what happens to the delivery if the shipping company cannot deliver thanks to the customer providing incorrect or false information.