Accuracy of content

Color variations

We make every effort to ensure that product images reflect the colors as accurately as possible, but we still ask that please keep in mind that the actual colors may differ slightly from the colors displayed on your screen due to differences in screens and settings.

Language Translations

The product descriptions can be translated using a manual or automated translation. These are not exact descriptions of the product, but are provided for guidance only and should not be considered binding on the contract of sale.

Product Sizes
The sizes shown are the sizes of the country of retail. So, for example, if the retailer is based in the UK, the choice of shoe size is a UK standard size, unless otherwise stated. Please note that the retailer's country is displayed on each product page under the shipping details. If you are unsure, please contact customer service for more information.

Size conversions vary significantly from brand to brand, so we recommend visiting the manufacturer's official website to ensure the accuracy of the conversions.

Electronic Goods

The plug for mains power supplied by the mains will usually be provided with the plug for the country of resale, unless otherwise specified. The power/voltage of electrical items is usually also suitable for use in the country of retail. The retailer's country is displayed on each product page. If you are unsure, please contact customer service for more information.Items purchased for use in other countries may require adapters/converters, which may not always be provided by the retailer and it is the customer's responsibility to purchase these if required.


If a product you buy requires a prescription for import into your country, it may be required by customs for the package to be released to you. Citall does not accept any responsibility for this, but will try to help you.

Incorrect prices and descriptions
We have taken reasonable steps to try to ensure that the prices and descriptions displayed on the website are accurate. Citall cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies and variations in price and descriptions.

Occasionally, an error may occur and the price or description of the goods may be incorrect. In these cases, we are not responsible for providing the item at the incorrect price or in accordance with the incorrect description, or at all. We reserve the right to correct any errors from time to time.We will (at our discretion) either cancel your order and refund the price you have paid or take reasonable steps to contact you and ask if you would like to proceed with the order at the correct price or description. If we are unable to contact you or if you do not wish to proceed with the order at the correct price or description, we will cancel your order and refund the price you paid.